Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Site Surveying [QSB 1813]

Site Surveying

Lecturer: Wong Jee Khai


This module is new for me at first as there is no site surveying for semester 1. I thought it will be very hard for me however it is not exactly of what i had thought. For this module, we had given two fieldwork to do and one mid term test. Before the fieldwork is given, weeks of lectures were given in order to let us to have a better understanding on the course. It is very important for us to attend all the lectures and tutorial class.

Through the two fieldwork given, I am able to identified various types of equipment that are going to use during surveying. Then, I get to know what problems that are mainly to faced during surveying. The most important is I get to explored the actual working environment which is a great benefits to me in the future as i get to know the working environment in advanced.

The pictures below are the equipment that we used in our fieldwork:

Auto level meter


Plumb Bob

Measuring Tape

Staff Bubble

Levelling Staff

Lastly I would like to thank our lecturer, Mr Wong for teaching us this module throughout semester 2.

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