Monday, July 8, 2013

Construction Technology 1 [QSB 1514]

Construction Technology 1

Lecturer: Ir. Chai Voon Chiet


For this module, I have a better understanding of the fundamental of earth works, foundations, walls, columns, beams, staircase, floors, beams and etc. Besides that I had a mid term test on a foundation chapter.  In order to have a better understanding on this module, we need to attend all the lecture and tutorial class. We have watched some video clips and do sketching in our tutorial class in order to have a better understanding on construction process which helps us a lot during measurements.

I have done an assignment for this module. It is a group assignment and there are 3 members included me in a group. Our group is doing about the Taipei 101.

a. Provide background information of the Taipei 101.
b. The type of structure and main materials used for the towers construction.
c. Industrialized building systems (IBS) implemented during the construction of the tower.
d. Discuss on how IBS helped the construction of those buildings/ structures.

After we done our assignment, we need to present it out of what we had done.

Below are the videos for Taipei 101

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