Monday, July 8, 2013


Building Materials [QSB 1513]

Lecturer: Puan Hasmanira Mokhtar and Mr Teh Bin Sin


For Building Materials [QSB 1513], we had learnt of ten different kinds of materials. There are concrete, metal, ceramics, paint, rubber, timber, glass, plastic, brick and stone.

In this module, there are 3 learning outcomes. After we had been taught about all these materials, I am able to know the physical and chemical properties of the materials. Then I also know the usage and applications of the materials. Besides that, I am able to summarises the effect of the materials on the construction qualities. One of the most important thing is I started to know how to analyse problems of different materials used.

In order to achieve all these learning outcomes, the most important things is to attend all the lecture and the tutorial class. besides that we need to do all the tutorial work that have been given by the lecturer.

In this module for semester 1, Puan Hasmanira had brought us to a class trip at Segamat, Johore and Melaka. On that trip, I had seen different kinds of glass and metal because we were brought to the two factories from AJIYA FACTORIES. There are some pictures below which taken on that trip.

We departed from Taylor's University at 8.30am on 7th June 2013 by bus.

 We reach AJIYA Factories at 12pm .

They gave us some briefing before bringing us to the visit.

 Different types of glass had been shown.

Glasses that are ready to be transported to the site. 

Picture on the lef hand side shows the bullet proof glass while picture on the right shows decorated glass.

After that we went to another factories (roofing).

 Explaination is given in order to let us gain more knowledge about the material.

Besides that we also have class test and a group assignment for this module. The class test was okay for me as i am able to pass. :D

These are the pctures taken at Melaka with my friends and we were enjoy the trip.

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