Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Building Services 1 [QSB 1714]

Building Services 1

Lecturer: Mariatul Liza Bt Meor Gheda


For building services 1 [QSB 1713], we had learnt some basics services that have been applying to the building like telecommunication services,  hot water supply, cold water treatment and supply, storm water management, ventilation systems and sewerage disposal and treatment.

There are 5 learning outcomes in this module. After 14 weeks, I am able to know and differentiate the information which is related to water supply, liquid waste disposal, storm water management, security services and ventilation system. Secondly, it is getting easier for me to interpret drawings related to building services. Besides that, I get to know how to explain  principles, systems, space implications and regulations related to water supply, storm water and waste water disposal, internal air quality and telecommunication services. However knowing the information of the services for the building are not enough, we need to distinguish the installation of many types of services in a building. Then, i started to get to know how to illustrate services construction in schematic diagrams.

In order to achieve all these learning outcomes, it is very important for us to pay attention during lectures and attend all the tutorial class. Besides that, all the tutorial work given by the lecturer must be done.

For this module, Ms Mariatual had give us a group assignment. My topic for this group assignment is Sustainable Hot Water Supply-Hotel. Through this group assignment, I know more about the informations of sustainable hot water supply. We did visit a hotel and get the information for this system which can let me have a better understanding on the topic. Apart from that, due to this assignment help me increase my communication skills as i am able to communicate well with my group member and i am glad to work together with them.

Then, Ms Mariatul also held a trip to visit SMART tunnel. After that, we were asked to due a report about the SMART tunnel.

The pictures taken below are from SMART tunnel office center:

The Main Entrance

Some Briefing had been given about the information of SMART tunnel

This is the control centre room and CCYVs' are placed in tunnel to see the conditions of the tunnel

We are listening to the briefing and the functioning of the SMART tunnel.

This is the model of SMART tunnel boring machine

Mid Term Test
During week 9 of semester 2, we were given a mid term test. The test is about telecommunications, ventilation system and stormwater system. I m not satisfied with my mid term test result so i will work harder for my final exams.

Lastly i would like to thanks Ms Mariatul of teaching us the building services 1 throughout semester 2.

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