Thursday, June 26, 2014

Measurement 3 [QSB 2115]

Measurement 3

Lecturer: Mr Soon Lam Tatt

In measurement 3, i had learnt to measure windows, doors, seeding and turfing, roof trusses, roof finishes, roof drainage, structural steel works and metal work. 

The objectives of the module are:
1. Appreciate the significance of Tender Document preparation and the importance of the ability to work effectively with other within the context of a team.

2. To develop a depth of subject knowledge on the principles of measurement of various elements.

3. To develop decision – making and management skills related to the quantity surveying profession in the preparation of the Bills of Quantities.

The learning outcomes for this subject are:
1. Recognize the items measurable for doors, windows, roof structure, roof finishes, rood drainage, structural steel works and metal works

2. Distinguish and illustrate differences in writing up descriptions in accordance to design changes of for doors, windows, roof trusses, roof finishes, roof drainage, structural steel works and metal works.

3. Evaluate the relationship between specifications, drawings and Bill of Quantities in Tender Documents for doors, windows, roof trusses, roof finishes, roof drainage, structural steel works and metal works.

4. Produce measurement for doors, windows, roof trusses , roof finishes, roof drainage, structural steel works and metal works in accordance to Standard Method of Measurement (SMM2)

5. Generate a conceptual understanding of and the ability to competently carry out the preparation of the Bills of Quantities for doors, windows, roof trusses, roof finishes, roof     drainage, structural steel works and metal works.

Mr Soon is a very patient lecturer and he taught us quite well and make us have a better understanding in this course module. In this module we had give one group assignment for measuring doors and windows. I hope that i can get a good grade for my final exam. Lastly i would like to thanks Mr Soon for teaching us throughout semester 3.

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