Monday, July 8, 2013

Introduction To Law [QSB 1414]

Introduction to law 

Lecturer: Ms Anita Shoba Magimay


After 14 weeks, we had learnt Introduction to Malaysia Legal System, Contract Law and Tort of Law for this module.

For introduction to malaysia legal system, I have a better understanding to law, categories of law and sources of law. There are three categories law: private, public and international. I also know what is the function of parliament and how laws are made. Besides that, I am able to know the function of Malaysian Court System.

Besides that, we have study contract law and law of tort. In contract of law, i have a better understanding on the offer, acceptance, intention, consideration, certainty, capacity, discharges and remedies. I slowly know how to apply the law after had been given the clear information. Tort includes negligence, nuisance, strict liability, intentional torts and defamation. All elements are required when it comes to tort in order to prove the case.

Class Test

We have a class test for all these three topics. For me, I felt that the law test is hard for me. However I am satisfied because I am able to pass my test.

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