Thursday, June 26, 2014

Management Science [QSB 2414]

Management Science

Lecturer: Ms Azrina and Ms Mariatul

For management science QSB 2414, i had learnt about the principles and concenpt of management. This module include topics such as introduction of management, decision making, organizational design, work motivation, leaderships, teams and working group, communication, human resource management and time management.

The objectives of the module are:
1. To understand management principles and to equip the students with a knowledge of its application in construction projects.
2. To develop awareness and understanding of the different types of management tools in the construction industry and to enhance employment prospectus.
3. Provide students with confidence in the understanding the procedures for strategy formulation and decision making.

In this module, we had given group assignment and writing reports. It makes me more interested in this module due to have better understanding of the subject throughout the coursework given. I hope that i could get a good grade for this course module. Lastly i would like to thanks Ms Azrina and Ms Mariatul for teaching us this module throughout semester 3.

Construction Technology 3 [QSB 2514]

Construction Technology 3

 Lecturer: Mr Chiew Seng Khoon

In this module we had learnt industrialized building system( formwork system, precast installation), retaining wall, process of dewatering for basement excavation, curtain wall, prestressing, green building construction, tension membrane roof and steel roof trusses.

The objectives of this module are:
1. To compile the processes involved at preconstruction stage in addition to the principles and controls applied throughout the construction programme.
2. To indentify the methods of heavy/highway and building construction and features information on new construction technology.
3. To introduce the latest construction practices and processes for tall buildings from foundation to roof.

The learning outcomes of this subject are:
1. Illustrate most aspects of elementary construction with an insight into the techniques applied in large- scale development using standard steel sections and reinforced concrete.
2. Apply the methods, materials, equipment and systems used for the construction of tall buildings.
3. Apply industrial methods which are mainly composed of factory produced components to a module or standard increment.

Throughout the whole semester, we had given two assignment. One is given report and me and my group members had chosen dewatering process for our group assignment. Another assignment is individual assignment which we required to draw 20 drawings. Besides that, we had given a mid-term test on week 7 and i quite satisfied for my result therefore i hope i can get good grade for my final exam. Lastly i would like to thank Mr Chiew for teaching us CT3 throughout semester 3 

Measurement 3 [QSB 2115]

Measurement 3

Lecturer: Mr Soon Lam Tatt

In measurement 3, i had learnt to measure windows, doors, seeding and turfing, roof trusses, roof finishes, roof drainage, structural steel works and metal work. 

The objectives of the module are:
1. Appreciate the significance of Tender Document preparation and the importance of the ability to work effectively with other within the context of a team.

2. To develop a depth of subject knowledge on the principles of measurement of various elements.

3. To develop decision – making and management skills related to the quantity surveying profession in the preparation of the Bills of Quantities.

The learning outcomes for this subject are:
1. Recognize the items measurable for doors, windows, roof structure, roof finishes, rood drainage, structural steel works and metal works

2. Distinguish and illustrate differences in writing up descriptions in accordance to design changes of for doors, windows, roof trusses, roof finishes, roof drainage, structural steel works and metal works.

3. Evaluate the relationship between specifications, drawings and Bill of Quantities in Tender Documents for doors, windows, roof trusses, roof finishes, roof drainage, structural steel works and metal works.

4. Produce measurement for doors, windows, roof trusses , roof finishes, roof drainage, structural steel works and metal works in accordance to Standard Method of Measurement (SMM2)

5. Generate a conceptual understanding of and the ability to competently carry out the preparation of the Bills of Quantities for doors, windows, roof trusses, roof finishes, roof     drainage, structural steel works and metal works.

Mr Soon is a very patient lecturer and he taught us quite well and make us have a better understanding in this course module. In this module we had give one group assignment for measuring doors and windows. I hope that i can get a good grade for my final exam. Lastly i would like to thanks Mr Soon for teaching us throughout semester 3.

Building Services 2 [QSB 2714]

Building Services 2

Lecturer: Mr Kam Kenn Jhun

For this module, the topics i learnt are mechanical air-conditioning systems (HVAC, heating, ventilation, fans, calculations, air-conditioning, types of refrigeration, zoning, controls and ducting), fire protection system, vertical transportation and also electrical supply.

The objectives of the module are:
1. To create awareness and understanding of the principles of service systems in a               building.

2. To introduce various building services system that are available and the limitation of choices - the services considered are air-conditioning system, fire protection system,  vertical transport like lift and escalator, and electricity.

3. To apply our understanding and knowledge for our preparation of the Bills of Quantities and for estimating purposes.

Taylor's Graduate Capabilities (TGC)
After learning this subject, I realised I have developed some of the TGC's.

1.Discipline Specific Knowledge
- I am able to understand the theories and apply it.

2. Lifelong Learning
- I am able to learn independently and effectively locate, extract, synthesize and utilised information

3. Interpersonal Skills
-Group assignments made me understand team dynamics and the importance of teamworks

In this module, we were given one group assignment. My group members and I had chosen The Mines Shopping Mall as our assignment topic. This group assignment had give us a better understanding on this module. Mr Kam had taught us patiently in this module and provide us notes. I hope that i could get a good grade for the final exam. Lastly I would like to thank Mr Kam for teaching us throughout semester 3.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Building Services 1 [QSB 1714]

Building Services 1

Lecturer: Mariatul Liza Bt Meor Gheda


For building services 1 [QSB 1713], we had learnt some basics services that have been applying to the building like telecommunication services,  hot water supply, cold water treatment and supply, storm water management, ventilation systems and sewerage disposal and treatment.

There are 5 learning outcomes in this module. After 14 weeks, I am able to know and differentiate the information which is related to water supply, liquid waste disposal, storm water management, security services and ventilation system. Secondly, it is getting easier for me to interpret drawings related to building services. Besides that, I get to know how to explain  principles, systems, space implications and regulations related to water supply, storm water and waste water disposal, internal air quality and telecommunication services. However knowing the information of the services for the building are not enough, we need to distinguish the installation of many types of services in a building. Then, i started to get to know how to illustrate services construction in schematic diagrams.

In order to achieve all these learning outcomes, it is very important for us to pay attention during lectures and attend all the tutorial class. Besides that, all the tutorial work given by the lecturer must be done.

For this module, Ms Mariatual had give us a group assignment. My topic for this group assignment is Sustainable Hot Water Supply-Hotel. Through this group assignment, I know more about the informations of sustainable hot water supply. We did visit a hotel and get the information for this system which can let me have a better understanding on the topic. Apart from that, due to this assignment help me increase my communication skills as i am able to communicate well with my group member and i am glad to work together with them.

Then, Ms Mariatul also held a trip to visit SMART tunnel. After that, we were asked to due a report about the SMART tunnel.

The pictures taken below are from SMART tunnel office center:

The Main Entrance

Some Briefing had been given about the information of SMART tunnel

This is the control centre room and CCYVs' are placed in tunnel to see the conditions of the tunnel

We are listening to the briefing and the functioning of the SMART tunnel.

This is the model of SMART tunnel boring machine

Mid Term Test
During week 9 of semester 2, we were given a mid term test. The test is about telecommunications, ventilation system and stormwater system. I m not satisfied with my mid term test result so i will work harder for my final exams.

Lastly i would like to thanks Ms Mariatul of teaching us the building services 1 throughout semester 2.


Measurement 2

Lecturer: Habizah Sheikh IImi


For measurement 2, there are four learning outcomes. Towards the end of this module, I am able to interpret the clauses in the Standard Method of Measurement (SMM2) and adopt a systematic approach to take off quantities from drawing for brickworks, stud partitions, staircase structure, staircase finishes and balustrading, floor, wall and ceiling finishes and precast concrete piling. Besides that, I am able to illustrate differences in writing up the descriptions in accordance to design changes for brickworks, stud partitions, staircase structure, staircase finishes and balustrading, floor, wall and ceiling finishes and precast concrete piling. Then, I am able to produce measurement for the items too. Apart from that, I am also able to competently carry out the preparation of the Bill of Quantities.

In my opinion, it is very important for us to attend all the lectures and tutorial class in order to achieve the learning outcomes. Not only that, activities like assignment and tutorial works given should be complete it.

In week 9, Miss Habizah had give us a mid term test for us. In my point of view, test given is a benefits for us as we are able to know the format of the exam so that we will get use to it in the final. Then, it is good for us to recall back the chapters that we had learnt past few weeks.

After that, assignment was given too. We are divided into groups and the work is distributed accordingly. I am very happy with my group members as they are very helpful and kind. All of us are able to due our assignment work on time too.Through this assignment, I am able to produce measurement for for brickworks, stud partitions, staircase structure, staircase finishes and balustrading, floor, wall and ceiling finishes and precast concrete piling.

Lastly I would like to thanks Miss Habizah teaching us Measurement 2 throughout my semester 2.

Construction Technology 2 [QSB 1524]

Construction Technology 2

Lecturer: Chiew Seng Khoon


After 14 weeks, we had completed this module. Throughout these weeks, I had been taught basement excavation & construction, pile foundations, auger pile, precast concrete pile, spun pile, construction of pile cap, trench shoring, scaffolding, suspended ceiling, precast concrete and steel framed buildings. I was able to understand more on the process and the installation of different types of piles. Besides that, I am able to know different types of piling have their own benefits and defects.

In this module, we were also given a group assignment and we are required to choose a topic. My group members and I had chosen pile foundations. We did go to two sites to get some information related to pile foundations like the installation process and the types of material used. We will have a better understanding on the process due to the visit and we get a chance to ask the engineer for more information. In order to gain more knowledge, we also need to pay attention in the lectures and attend all the tutorial classes.

We visited to a site which is ready to construct a commercial shop lots and light industry. Precast concrete piles are used in this construction.

The pictures below are taken from the first site: 

Excavating the soil before piling  

The precast concrete pile are being transported to the site and ready to be constructed

The machine had hammer the piles into the ground

This is the formwork of the pile cap

Apart from that we also visited second site located at Jalan Ampang. Based on the investigation, bored cast in situ pile are used for the foundations of the buildings.

The pictures following are taken from Ampang Site:

The information board

Excavation of soil is carrying out before casting the pile

Some discussion with the engineer had been carrying out in order to get more information

Furthermore, Mr Chiew also give us a mid term test during week 7. This could also help me to revise the lectures that had been taught past few weeks. Lastly I would like to thanks Mr Chiew for teaching us Construction Technology 2  throughout semester 2.